JNX Neo Geo AES joystick octogate (GOTW - Gate Of The Wolves)
JNX Neo Geo AES joystick octogate (GOTW - Gate Of The Wolves)
A professionally 3D printed replacement restrictor gate for the venerable and legendary Neo Geo AES joystick, made by Jamma Nation X (JNX).
This octagonal shaped gate helps the user to activate special move motions with the joystick and is a clean, direct drop in replacement. Implementation requires only removal of the screws from the default square gate, then swapping out the square gate for the JNX octogate (nicknamed “Gate Of The Wolves”).
This octogate fits all versions of the Neo Geo AES joystick (Original, CD stick, Neo Geo X)
(Note: JNX is a highly respected name within the Neo Geo and wider arcade community forums with a deep knowledge of arcade hardware and software)